April – National Stress Awareness

National Stress Awareness Month
– April –


Stress — the feeling of emotional tension, overwhelm, or feeling unable to cope — affects us mentally and physically. April is National stress awareness month. Managing stress productively is a key component of living a healthy lifestyle! Everyone has felt the effects of stress at some point in their life. In fact, 7 percent of Americans report that they experience physical symptoms as the result of stress. Additionally, 33 percent feel they are living with extreme stress and 48 percent blame stress for negatively impacting their personal and professional lives. (Schults 2021). However, having the skills to manage stress can improve mental and physical well-being and minimize the potential worsening of some health-related issues.


Some Common and Simple Ways to Deal with Stress:

  • Listening to music

Research suggests that listening to music can reduce our heart rate as well as cortisol levels. Having the right amount of cortisol in your body is essential for proper health, however, having too much or too little can cause health problems. Moreover, when we are stressed, our cortisol levels increase- when our bodies are exposed to prolonged elevated levels of cortisol it can lead us into an exhausting state of fight flight or freeze (Collins 2021). Additionally, music can help reduce burnout, help you fall asleep, and reduce depression!

  • Read a book

Reading enhances relaxation. When we sit down and read a book, particularly fiction, our minds and imagination are completely engaged. In a study conducted by the University of Sussex, individuals who had read for merely six minutes exhibited slower heart rates, less muscle tension, and reduced stress levels. Dr. David Lewis, the neuroscientist who conducted the study, reported that reading, “is more than merely a distraction but an active engaging of the imagination as the words on the printed page stimulate your creativity and cause you to enter what is essentially an altered state of consciousness” (Kaczmarek 2016).

  • Exercise

We have all heard it countless times, and it is true, exercise can help significantly with the management and reduction of stress! Even if you are not an athlete, any form of exercise can act as a great stress reducer. Physical exercise can bump up the of your brains feel good neurotransmitters called endorphins.

  • Spend time in nature

Spending time outdoors reduces cortisol levels, leaving us with a reduced amount of stress. Nature also boosts endorphin levels and dopamine production, promoting happiness!

  • Talk to friends and family

Talking through your issues is an effective and positive coping mechanism for stress and anxiety. Additionally, talking to friends and family can act as a stress buffer and take the place of negative coping mechanisms such as drinking alcohol, smoking, or doing drugs.

  • Prioritize sleep

Sleep helps calm and restore the body, additionally, sleep reduces cortisol levels. A proper amount of sleep can improve concentration, regulate mood, and sharpen our judgment and decision making. We can all benefit from sticking to a proper sleep schedule!



Works Cited

Collins, Donald. “Can Listening to Music Reduce Stress? Research, Benefits, and Genres.” Psych Central, Psych Central, 18 Aug. 2021, https://psychcentral.com/stress/the-power-of-music-to-reduce-stress#how-does-it-work.

“Exercise and Stress: Get Moving to Manage Stress.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 3 Aug. 2022, https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/exercise-and-stress/art-20044469.

Jim Robbins • January 9, et al. “Ecopsychology: How Immersion in Nature Benefits Your Health.” Yale E360, 9 Jan. 2020, https://e360.yale.edu/features/ecopsychology-how-immersion-in-nature-benefits-your-health.

Kaczmarek, Stacy. “Reading Is Good for Your Mental Health.” Reading Partners, 18 Aug. 2016, https://readingpartners.org/blog/four-compelling-reasons-shut-off-screen-open-good-book/.

Schultz, Catherine. “April Is National Stress Awareness Month: 7 TIPS for Reducing Stress.” BioIQ, 1 Apr. 2021, https://www.bioiq.com/7-tips-for-preventing-and-managing-stress/.