8 Tips to Stay Healthy and Avoid Germs @ Airports

Airports and airplanes can be packed with germs, due to the thousands of travelers going into and out of airports every day. It’s important to stay germ-free and healthy when traveling so that your vacation isn’t ruined.

Below are some tips and reminders to help you stay healthy while traveling:

  • Get a good night’s sleep the night before. Your body is better equipped to fight off infections when you are well-rested as opposed to being sleep-deprived.airplane wing
  • If possible, eat before leaving for the airport. Airports are full of fast-food restaurants, so eating a healthy meal before leaving to the airport can help reduce your caloric intake as well as not upset your stomach. The last thing you want to be doing on a flight is constantly getting up to go to the bathroom, which are packed with germs.
  • Make sure to wear socks! Since you have to remove your shoes when going through airport security, it’s important to keep your feet covered. If not, there’s a chance you can step on a germ infested footprint which can transfer bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Make hand sanitizer your best friend. Use it, use it, use it! Before, during & after security, boarding, deplaning, and everything in between.
  • Did you know that you may be up to 100 times more susceptible to catching a cold on an airplane than in your normal day-to-day-life? Airport and airplane doorknobs, faucets, and toilets can be filled with germs. It’s recommended you use a paper towel when touching doorknobs, faucets, handles, and any other surface in the bathroom because germs can easily be transferred to your mouth and eyes after touching these surfaces with your bare hands.
  • Use saline nasal spray before and after the flight. The air inside an airplane is very dry and it can dry out your mucus membranes, which reduces your resistance to infection, so keeping these membranes moist with saline spray may help.
  • Bring your own blankets and pillows. Germs can be easily transferred when using public items, so it’s best to bring your own. (And just to be safe, clean them when you return home.)bacteria
  • Avoid touching airplane seats. But if you have to, use your handy hand sanitizer immediately afterwards.
  • Avoid jet lag. Wherever you are traveling, try to get accustomed to the new time zone as soon as you can. If it’s bedtime, try to go to bed and if it’s daytime, try to stay awake.